Washington, D.C.– Congressional Progressive Caucus Co-Chairs Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ) and Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI) released the following statement in response to racist remarks made this week by President Trump during bipartisan immigration discussions at the White House.

“President Trump’s shameful and racist remarks on foreign countries have confirmed, yet again, his blatant and willful embrace of the xenophobic, hate-mongering, and ignorant principles that go against our American values. From describing neo-Nazis as very fine people, to employing white supremacists and nationalists, President Trump is continuing his race to the bottom to garner the support of a small subset of his base.”

“Racist and hateful ideals have no place in our nation’s policy-making process or our foreign relations. These remarks must be condemned in the strongest possible terms and we call on our Republican colleagues across the aisle to join us in doing so. Speaker Ryan and Majority Leader McConnell cannot continue to claim ignorance and stay silent as President Trump denigrates allies and does lasting damage to our standing in the world.”


The Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) is the largest caucus within the House Democratic Caucus, with over 70 members standing up for progressive ideals in Washington and throughout the country. Since 1991, the CPC has advocated for progressive policies that prioritize working Americans over corporate interests, fight economic and social inequality, and promote civil liberties. The CPC champions progressive policy solutions like comprehensive immigration reform, a $15 national minimum wage, fair trade, gun violence reform, debt-free college, and making the federal government a Model Employer.


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